Publication terms
1. The materials considered for publication (scientific papers, surveys, reviews, and reports corresponding to the theme of the Journal) should not have been published elsewhere before.
2. The materials sent should include the following: UDC code, title of the paper to be published, information about the author(s), abstract, key words, text of the paper to be published, and references. The title of the material offered for publication, information about the authors, abstract and key words should be submitted in the Russian and English languages. The author’s material should not exceed 40,000 characters and spaces. Enclosed to the material should be an Application and Questionnaire.
3. Submission requirements
The paper submitted should be in Word, Times New Roman, size 12, single line spacing, normal typeface. The top margin is 2, bottom margin – 2, left margin – 3, and right margin – 1. If the paper has graphic illustrations, they should be attached separately as JPEG files. The paper and illustrations should be made up as a single file so that it could be printed out if necessary. The pages shall not be numbered.
Abstract 500-600 (characters), preceding the text of the paper, should be in Word, Times New Roman, size 10. The Abstract is accompanied by 5 or 6 key words.
References within the text of the paper should only be given in brackets: without quoting [12]; if the original text is quoted or retold [12, p. 29]. Numbers of the references in the text of the paper should coincide with their numbers in the reference list. The reference list should be organized in the following order: first, sources in the Russian language; second, sources in the foreign languages; and third, electronic and remote access sources. Each group should be listed alphabetically.
If electronic or remote access (the Internet) sources are quoted, the reference list should contain a bibliographic record of the source and reference to the web resource including the complete web address in the Internet (see Paper Submission Sample). Also, the date of addressing the resource should be stated.
Preceding the Abstract should be the author’s initials and surname, his/her affiliation and electronic address.
The literature used is quoted on the last page of the text and arranged according to GOST 7.1–2003 requirements. The system of information, library and publishing business. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules.
4. Paper versions of the documents can be sent to the editors to the following address: 630099 Novosibirsk, ul. Lomonosova, 56, NGUEU, room 311, Philosophy Chair, Secretary Editor Natalia L. Chubykina. Electronic version of the papers should be sent to,
5. The materials accepted are published free.